Removing plasma non-specifically

As early as the Middle Ages, people were bled if the cause of the disease was suspected to be in the patient's blood. Plasma exchange - also known as plasmapheresis - is established for diseases in which pathogenic, often not precisely known plasma substances have to be removed quickly. Since the method removes all plasma very unspecifically, the important substances and plasma proteins must be returned to the patient via replacement solutions.

When is plasma exchange useful?

Plasma exchange is often an ultima ratio therapy. It is always used when physicians suspect pathogens in the plasma, but they do not know them precisely. Known autoantibodies, liver toxins or lipoproteins, which in individual cases only have a pathogenic effect in high concentrations, are increasingly being removed with selective procedures.

How does the method work?

The blood cells are separated from the plasma in the Plasmaflo plasma separator. Subsequently, the patient receives a replacement solution back together with the previously separated blood cells. The patient's own plasma is discarded.

Albumin-containing solutions or Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) are often used as replacement fluids. Side effects are more common with plasma exchange than with tryptophan immunoadsorption, for example. The risk of hepatitis E transmission through replacement solutions is not completely excluded and should be considered in severely immunosuppressed patients.

Plasmaflo OP series plasma separators with different surface areas are available for plasma exchange:

  • 0.8 m² for vigorous patients
  • 0.5 m² for routine clinical use
  • 0.2 m² for the youngest and smallest patients


What is special about the Plasmaflo OP series?

Due to the superior membrane technology, plasma flows up to 33% of the extracorporeal blood flow are possible. Of course, Plasmaflo OP is biocompatible and ETO-free due to its special polyethylene membrane.

Even infants can be successfully treated with the Plasauto SIGMA multifunctional device. Both heparin and citrate anticoagulation are possible. The patented balancing system is highly accurate and enables virtually alarm-free therapy even when FFP is used.

What is special about the Plasmaflo OP series?

If the possibility exists to use selective procedures such as Lipidfiltration, immunoadsorption or double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP), this option is often preferred. Tolerability is significantly better and important endogenous proteins such as coagulation factors and hormones are preserved.

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Plasauto SIGMA device technology

Plasauto SIGMA - the market leader from Japan - for continuous renal replacement therapy and therapeutic apheresis. Suitable even for the youngest and smallest patients! Whether citrate or heparin, outpatient or inpatient - the choice is yours!

Plasauto SIGMA device technology