Our partnerships, supporting memberships and social involvement

We have long-term cooperative relationships with the following production and research partners. We also serve as supporting members in a variety of institutions and support non-profit associations and organizations.

Our partners

Asahi Kasei Medical, Tokyo, Japan

Asahi Kasei Medical, Tokyo, Japan

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EffeEmme, Cigliano, Italy

EffeEmme, Cigliano, Italy

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Nikkiso, Langenhagen, Germany (formerly known as MeSys)

Nikkiso, Langenhagen, Germany (formerly known as MeSys)

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VitroSorb AB, Malmö, Sweden

VitroSorb AB, Malmö, Sweden

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Apherese ForschungsInstitut, Cologne, Germany

Apherese ForschungsInstitut, Cologne, Germany

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Our supporting member organizations

BVMed – Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

BVMed – Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

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Kuratorium der DGfN – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

Kuratorium der DGfN – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

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DGFL – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lipidologie e.V. - Lipd-Liga

DGFL – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lipidologie e.V. - Lipd-Liga

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Nederlandse Transplantatie Vereniging (Dutch Transplantation Society)

Nederlandse Transplantatie Vereniging (Dutch Transplantation Society)

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Social involvement

We support the association "Help by giving - Der Sack e.V." in Cologne.

Sack e.V. delivers food to 900 recipient addresses and 19 kindergartens on a monthly basis to those who need it most.


As part of our 2023 Christmas campaign, we also support the following charities and organisations:

Der Sack e.V., 'Help by giving', Cologne

Kinderhilfe Organtransplantation e.V., every year, KiO helps more than 100 needy families with children with organ diseases and transplants, Frankfurt a.M.

Sozialstiftung Bamberg SdöR, support in all life situations, e.g. prevention, care and counselling for relatives and senior citizens, Bamberg

help alliance GmbH, is committed to providing young people worldwide with access to education and empowering them to lead a self-determined life, Frankfurt a.M.


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